Jeremy Detina
Jeremy Detina
Jeremy Detina
36 Days of Type

36 Days of Type is an annual, Instagram based event where creatives nerd-out for 36 consecutive days, designing and uploading a letter of the alphabet for each. I approached the challenge by defining a pragmatic, tactile process and bold visual direction.

Each character was created through a collage-based reconstruction of existing typefaces, utilizing only black ink and standard printer paper. Every day, an idiosyncratic collection of fonts were selected, aligned to a simple grid, printed, ripped, and intuitively juxtaposed to create each letterform anew. 


Self initiated


Digital collateral

36 Days of Type is an annual, Instagram based event where creatives nerd-out for 36 consecutive days, designing and uploading a letter of the alphabet for each. I approached the challenge by defining a pragmatic, tactile process and bold visual direction.

Each character was created through a collage-based reconstruction of existing typefaces, utilizing only black ink and standard printer paper. Every day, an idiosyncratic collection of fonts were selected, aligned to a simple grid, printed, ripped, and intuitively juxtaposed to create each letterform anew.


Self initiated


Digital collateral